
6 Benefits of Quitting Smoking and Vaping Instead

Nicotine is a highly addictive substance that has ruined several people’s lives. Tobacco, more specifically, releases several harmful chemicals into one’s body, which have extremely aversive impacts on health and quality of life.

For years, people have been consuming nicotine and tobacco through smoking cigarettes. More recently, however, vapes, also known as e-cigarettes, have made their way into the market. Vapes are electronic cigarettes that contain nicotine and heat up when inhaled, creating vapour within your body.

While neither smoking nor vaping is beneficial for your health, one is shown to have slightly better results than the other. Vaping has proven to generate better health-related results, but only when used to reduce the actual smoking of cigarettes.

If you are a smoker considering quitting and switching to vaping instead, you should learn the various advantages. Here are six benefits of quitting smoking to do vaping instead.

Benefit #1: Exposure to toxins

When it comes to smoking, the toxins it releases are far more harmful than any released by vaping. The main issue with smoking cigarettes is that tobacco produces tar and carbon monoxide, which are dangerous and toxic for our bodies. They also expose us to various other chemicals, all of which lend our bodies to a higher risk of obtaining cancer and several other heart and lung diseases.

On the other hand, vaping does not contain tobacco and is free of many harmful chemicals that smoking exposes us to. Therefore, we recommend turning to vapes when attempting to quit smoking. A disposable vape pen will still provide you with nicotine but will prevent you from many of the consumption of the dangerous chemicals released from tobacco.

Benefit #2: No production of smoke

Another benefit of switching to vaping and quitting smoking is that vapes do not produce smoke. As the name suggests, smoking does produce a lot of smoke which negatively impacts our lungs.

The smoke we inhale from a cigarette fills our lungs, damaging our airways and sacs. This irritates the lungs, causing inflammations, and creates a much higher likelihood of the development of lung cancer. Vapes produce vapour, which is unsafe for our lungs but safer than smoke.

Benefit #3: Helps reduce nicotine intake

As previously mentioned, people switch from smoking cigarettes to vaping to reduce their nicotine intake and eventually quit smoking. When smoking cigarettes, we cannot monitor the amount of nicotine and tobacco we inhale into our lungs and body.

With a vape, however, we can have the level of nicotine and strength of it adjusted. This is perfect for those trying to quit, as after switching from a cigarette to a vape, the nicotine level can be lessened with every vape being purchased.

Hence, the level may be very low, and one may eventually quit vaping altogether. So if you don’t think you can quit smoking cold turkey, this may be the next best alternative.

Benefit #4: Second-hand smoke

Smoking does not only harmfully impact the smoker but the people in the vicinity when the smoking is taking place as well. The impact that someone else’s smoke has on another person is called second-hand smoke.

People exposed to it are at risk of lung cancer, respiratory illnesses, infections, asthma attacks, heart disease, strokes, and even Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (for infants exposed to second-hand smoke). This is because the chemicals released from the tobacco in cigarette smoke make their way to the surrounding people and their bodily systems.

Vapes do not produce smoke but produce vapour. Vapour evaporates into the air soon after it is released and thus has a far less likely chance of being inhaled by people nearby. Hence, switching from smoking to vaping will also benefit the people you surround yourself with.

Benefit #5: Lasting smoke and vapour

Smoking tends to make its way around a room and get soaked up into the furniture and fabrics and your clothes and hair. Since it does not evaporate quickly, it lingers for around 30 minutes, creating an unpleasant and musty smell. Since the vapour produced from vaping does evaporate rather quickly, you would not need to worry about the lingering smell.

Additionally, any smells produced could be masked from an unpleasant odour by flavouring the vape’s juice. There are several options of flavours, ranging from fruits and flowers to candies. Selecting one of these will allow your atmosphere to remain pleasant.

Benefit #6: Vaping is cheaper

Smokers usually spend a bomb of money on their habits by buying several packs of cigarettes weekly. The upfront cost may seem higher when purchasing a vape, but it is cheaper in the long run. You may need to buy new juice pods or charge the vape to keep it running longer. They, therefore, last for much more time than a packet of cigarettes, allowing you to save money!

Of course, in the end, neither of these is good for your body and health. Try using vapes as a tool to lean on during your journey to quit smoking!